Christmas Arts and Crafts - 2024

This year, we're going to make a Santa Hat Headband.

Santa Hat Headband

You will need:

  • Red construction paper
  • White paper
  • Markers (if you are adding a cutout decoration on the hat)
  • A pencil
  • Any small round object
  • Tape and/or glue
  • Scissors

Step 1: Color and Cut

If you are adding a cutout decoration, this is the time to color it. After you are done, cut out all the pieces you will be using.

Step 2: Check and Attach

Make sure you have all the pieces. This is what you should have before you start taping and gluing the pieces together:

  • 2 headband strips
  • 1 main hat
  • 1 pom-pom
  • All the decoration(s) (if you made any)

Now, tape the pieces together and form a circle using the strips. If your headband is not long enough, you can use more white paper to make an extension.