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Mental Arithmetic - within 30 Add & Subtract 30以內加減
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Mental Arithmetic - within 30 Add & Subtract 30以內加減

It's always fun to practice a bit mental arithmetic, so the child can be more comfortable doing other math later on. You only need few minutes to do this exercise! New files will be added weekly. 在台灣長大我們在學校的功課都蠻多的,我們是自學生,但據我從朋友們那聽到美國國小功課真的蠻少的。最近製作了幾個簡易30內加減練習卷,這個只需要3分鐘就可以"完成"。這個的目的是要鼓勵小朋友慢慢的增加自己簡易加減法的速度。每周會再上傳新的檔案。 Mental Math
1 min read